Hello everyone, due to me not having my attention lately and I am getting sick of the name castlealphy, I am changing my NG username to MadCatKally and my youtube to MadCatKalico. I am kinda inspired by madcatlady with the name but I also love calico cats so its kinda a given. It might change back in the future to CastleAlphy666 but I am not sure if I want to change it back cause I am sick of calling my self 2 names that being castle and alphy. I just want to make my life easier when calling myself things.
I ams sorry that I haven't been posting here often. I really haven't been working on digital drawings lately and I have mostly been making animations over on youtube. so please go check out my youtube as it contains my proudest work. I hope u all enjoy haha.
also please don't hate, I'm just switching things up for a bit for my own sake haha.
check out my latest art to see my new persona, I promise I'm not a furry haha OwO